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Top 10 Hotels in Lombok

Popular Accommodation Types in Lombok

Wed, 26 Mar - Thu, 27 Mar

Top Attractions in Lombok


    Bali’s little sister has all the bucolic beauty and coastal charm her sibling is famous for, with a newish sheen to it. While Lombok may no longer be an undiscovered gem, whispers abound that the crystalline water and the voluptuous Mount Rinjani continue to entice travellers to stay longer than planned, and that some corners of Gili islands may rival Bali’s most raucous party scenes. recently found 1562 hotels in Lombok, Indonesia. Find a range of accommodation in Lombok at great prices. Book luxury Lombok hotels or find last minute accommodation. Save more on cheap hotels in Lombok with affordable room rates.

    • Use the filters to view hotels & accommodation in a specific area of Lombok. Select price range, hotel themes, accommodation type, facilities, brand, or hotel class from basic (1 Star) to luxury hotels (5 Stars) in Lombok.
    • Enter your travel dates to view the best hotel deals for your Lombok accommodation needs.