Harga Promo PT.Trigana Air Service

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Tentang PT.Trigana Air Service

Trigana Air is an Indonesian airline that operates from its hub at Soekarno–Hatta International Airport in Jakarta Indonesia. With a fleet that is primarily made up of Boeing 737 aircraft and ATR's the airline flies to 22 destinations on domestic Indonesian routes. Since they commenced services in 1991 to date in 2019 they have had 14 serious incidents 10 of which resulted in the loss of the plane. In 2018 the airline awarded the dubious title of the worst in airline safety. Currently, they have scheduled services to the following destinations. Jaya & Kalimantan (Both Directions) Pangkalan Bun to Jakarta Pangkalan Bun to Semarang Pangkalan Bun to Surabaya Papua (Both Directions) Jayapura to Wamena
Jayapura to Deka Jayapura to Tanah Merah Jayapura to Oksibil

Baca Lebih Lanjut

JAKARTA Komplek Puri Sentra Niaga Jakarta 13620. Jl. Wiraloka Blok D 68-69-70. Kalimalang Phone : (021) 8604867 - 8604868 8604869 - 8604870 Fax : (021) 8604866